How to wear casual shirts

Choose the best styling for you!

Due to their cuts, prints and style, how to wear casual shirts should not be a problem! You can integrate them in so many outfits, next to almost anything you already own in your wardrobe! The combinations you can make are endless, so it’s worth giving it a try!

One of the easiest and fastest combination you can make is between a casual shirt and a pair of jeans. This is the kind of outfit you can wear anytime you want something stylish and comfortable. If you want to up your game a little bit, untuck a corner of your shirt from the pants and leave some buttons open in the upper part and you’ll get a relaxed yet feminine and attractive look. Some specific accessories like a bag and a pair of sandals or ankle boots will always complete the outfit and make it look perfect!

Anytime you think about how to wear casual shirts, don’t underestimate the layering. Casual shirts are one of the best subject for layering because they are usually thin and can be worn under some pieces or over some others. You’ll only know what works best for you by trying on stuff, mixing and matching different textures, colors and styles until you come to the best result. An outfit like this works best for transitional seasons and winter, but you can give it a try by wearing a casual shirt over a swimming suit or a tank top during a swimming pool party.

Another great use of casual shirts is if you integrate them in business looks. It might sound weird at first, but they actually look amazing. If you tuck them into a pair of black office pants and add a pair of stilettos and a big bag, you got yourself a great outfit! But there is still one thing you have to pay attention to, which is the print: try to stick with simple prints like stripes, or small motives, otherwise your outfit won’t be as good as you’d think!

The thing with how to wear casual shirts is that you have to try on your outfits, and see what fits you! Mix and match different items and styles until you find your perfect match!

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