Fightstore Ireland is not just another shop. This is a store run by fighters, for fighters. We only stock products from trusted fight brands such as Koral, Grips, Rival Boxing, Fightlab, Fairtex, Cleto Reyes, Diamond MMA, Adidas, HCT & Carbon Claw as they are guaranteed to withstand the punishment metered out by the rigors of the tough sports we cater for.
Established in 2014.
It started whilst we were building our own mixed martial arts club in the heart of Dublin and needed to supply our members with top quality MMA equipment such as Boxing gloves, Shinguards and other gear needed for the sports involved in MMA. We found it initially difficult to find the quality MMA and Muay Thai gear we needed in Ireland so the result? We set up Fight Store Ireland, not only for our members but it grew to be what we truly believe to be the best MMA and Boxing Shop in Ireland today!!
Meet the Business Owner
Stefan T.
Business Owner
I’ve been involved in martial arts from the age of 11.
Fight Store Ireland informations – contact details, staff, business hours, photos and reviews. Fight Store Ireland Crumlin is also relevant for Sports Wear,
Outdoor Gear,
Health Food.