Everyone knows that if you want to create the perfect look you have to take into consideration all the details. It is very important to choose the clothes right, the accessories, but also the make-up. If you like pink clothes, than you must know how to wear them. There are several great colors that match pink, but you should also think about the make-up you use, especially what kind of eye shadow. Mixing colors can be quite easy when we only speak about the clothes, but when it comes to make up, things get a little bit more complex.
How to choose the right eyeshadow palette and the right pink clothing in order to look great
So, first of all it all depends on the occasion. If you want to go out after a long day at the office, then you can surely choose a baby doll pink dress. The make-up can be a little bit more pronounced, but have in mind that you are tired. A black eye shadow is a great idea, as long as you don’t look tired. This color can make you look more tired than you already are. But, there is one more thing, the eye shadow you choose must take into account the color of your eyes. For example, green eyes and purple eye shadow are great, put not on a bright pink dress. In this care, it is best to choose natural colors.
This is the case if you attend a party or if you go out with your friends. But, at the office and generally during the day you have to keep it simple. So, natural colors are great. Make sure not to use glitter during the day and you will be fine. Also, carefully choose the lipstick. If you are wearing a bright pink dress, than a neutral shade is the best option.
Pink clothing is a great idea, but as long as you choose carefully the accessories. And, with the right make up you can create a unique look that everyone will admire. So, what are you waiting for, the stores have lots of pink dresses on their shelves?