Mythfest South Inner City
Mythfest informations - contact details, staff, business hours, photos and reviews. Mythfest South Inner City is also relevant for Festivals.
Mythfest informations - contact details, staff, business hours, photos and reviews. Mythfest South Inner City is also relevant for Festivals.
Specialities This is Ireland's Most Exciting Tour & Show in Dublin's most Unique Tourist Attraction! Castle Dracula celebrates one of Ireland's most famous writers Bram...
Bram Stoker Festival informations - contact details, staff, business hours, photos and reviews. Bram Stoker Festival North Inner City is also relevant for Festivals.
Dublin Fringe Festival informations - contact details, staff, business hours, photos and reviews. Dublin Fringe Festival Temple Bar is also relevant for Local Flavour, Arts...
James Joyce In The Park An Exhibition of Rare Books in Farmleigh House Books on display from the Benjamin Iveagh Collection, Farmleigh House courtesy of...
‘Dragons of Eden’ - featuring work by Aoibheann Greenan and Terence Erraught - addresses mythological and real world societal challenges through installation, video and performance....
Exhibition: Hidden Treasures of the Museum Collection Wednesday 5th July - 27th August The National Botanic Gardens holds a remarkable museum collection of plant products...
Dun Laoghaire Harbour Bicentenary 01 May - Tuesday 31 October 2017 Venue: Dún Laoghaire Dún Laoghaire Harbour has been a place where relatives have waved...
Vivienne Dick - 93% Stardust 16 June - Sunday 15 October 2017 Venue: IMMA Vivienne Dick is an Irish artist who is synonymous with New...
Freud Project 21 - 21 October 2017 Venue: IMMA 50 works by Lucian Freud come to IMMA and are presented in a dedicated Freud centre...